7th of April Campus

ODAC + BRUESA Construcción SA
95000 M2
Arquitecto firmante

Another country, another culture, another reality. An ambitious and social project. During the era
of Muhamar Khadaffi’s regime, Libya never expressed any sensitivity to ecology and even less to
the environment in its development.Without going into geopolitics, at that time, the desire of the government was to develop a network
of universities, at the same time demonstrating its desire to form an intellectual Libyan elitefor the future. This competition was won by a Spanish builder and de Arup office, was a difficult road until our award. The luck we had was apart from being the youngest team in this competition, we had objectives that drew the attention of the PM of the government (Hill International). These objectives were to create only a reduced impact on the site, to completely rework it.The Master Plan which had been drawn without taking into account the orientations and the possible phasing of this equipment. This project was out of the 23 university projects in Libya at that time, the only one that could (if it existed) receive the BREEAM or LEED certification. These two entities did not interest at the time in the African Continent. It must be recognized that the London office of Arup at that time was certainly the most « cutting edge » engineering firm in terms of the environment and research on these subjects. This team with the Project Manager allowed us to develop an exemplary project in terms of energy consumption, despite the fact the Country did not consider this kind of savings to be interesting...